Evangelist Guillermo Villanueva’s mission is to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to every creature with, for and through churches.

He has developed six programs which include the following:

  1. Evangelistic Crusades- Single-church evangelistic crusade and in city wide evangelistic crusades.
  2. The Planting of Churches Using Their Tent- It is a week of intense evangelistic activities in the tent.
  3. Radio Evangelism- The preaching of the Gospel throughout three radio programs.
  4. International School for Traveling Evangelist
  5. Total Evangelism Seminars
  6. Personal evangelism and counseling

The Six Reach Out Programs

I. Evangelistic Crusades:

   Single-Church Evangelistic Crusades:

We help the local church in preparing the crusade.

If the church wishes, we hold evangelistic banquets for couples, ladies, evangelistic youth festival and children’s rally aside from the nightly services.

   City Wide Evangelistic Crusades

Crusades may be interdenominational or denominational. They may include an area or whole cities.

The success of a crusade greatly depends on the preparation.  For this reason, we supply printed material, tapes, CD’s, and when the situation requires it, a coordinator to help in the preparation of the crusades that can bring success for God’s glory.

Aside from the nightly services, we hold evangelistic banquets for couples, ladies, government officials, youth and an evangelistic children’s rally.

II. Tent Crusades Establishing Churches.

We have a tent that can accommodate up to 250 persons.  We make this tent available without charge when our services are required.

The fundamental purpose of a tent crusade is to establish a new church in one week’s time.  In this program we provide Christian mimes, clowns, a singer, Christian films, and the preaching.

All of the people who come to Christ, remain in the care of the church starting the new congregation.

III. Evangelistic Radio Ministry:

Two radio programs (five and fifteen minute each), “Un Rayo de Esperanza (A Ray of Hope)” are mainly focused on bringing the message of Christ to listeners.  At the same time, the programs address Christians to help them in their Christian walk.

The five-minute program consists of a message with background music.  The message always opens with an anecdote.

The fifteen-minute program consists of two messages.  In between these, a singer interprets a song, and Elizabeth, Guillermo’s wife, recites a beautiful poem.

Elizabeth Villanueva has her own 15-minute program titled, “Destellos Celestiales” (“Heavenly Sparkles”).  This program is designed for a female audience, but it is relevant to any listener.

These programs can be sent to any radio station without any charge.

IV. International School for the Traveling Evangelists. (CIEV in Spanish):

This is a course consisting of 80 cassette tapes that covers topics of interest for those who have the calling to be traveling evangelists.  Experienced evangelists teach each theme on the cassette tape.

This course can be presented in a shortened eight-hour version; members of the organization will teach in any Bible school, seminary or congress that wishes to present themes for evangelists.

V. Total Evangelism Seminars. Street evangelism, prison evangelism, hospital evangelism, personal evangelism, evangelism through radio and TV, evangelistic crusades, tent crusades, child evangelism, youth evangelism, evangelism through literature, etc.

We hold these seminars in churches, congresses, etc.

VI. Personal Evangelism and Counseling.